
This is an unofficial fan site, and is not affiliated with Bruno Mars, his management, his personal assistant, or his record company.
This fan site in not connected to Bruno Mars in any way, shape or form.
Disclaimers and policies:
All content published is the sole property holds the respective copyrights and are taken from sources made available to the public. Photos, articles, and other media are published only for informational, comment and entertainment purposes. This not-for-profit site constitutes as ‘fair use’ of the copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If any of these copyright holders does not approve their work being shown on these pages please contact us and it will be removed without debate.

Contact information: unofficialbrunomars@gmail.com

All original designs, graphics, and original content found on this website, unless otherwise stated, are copyright Brunomars.us.
Please do not reproduce any of this original material without crediting and linking back to https://brunomars.us.
Images and image captures listed as from other sites reference said site when available.
BrunoMars.us is a non-profit unofficial fansite.

Photo copyright belongs to the individual photographers and businesses. Brunomars.us does not hold the copyright to ANY photos unless clearly delineated.