If the first two names are having the real relationship with Bruno Mars, the next two are doubted. Rose and Amelle Barrabah are two girls that are said to be close to Bruno Mars. Unfortunately, all of those things are just rumors. It is true that both of them are close with Bruno Mars, but none of them are having the real relationship with the famous singer. On the other hand, the very last name, Jessica Caban has been the newest yet the most important girl that becomes Bruno Mars girlfriend. You can clearly see that from the way they act and the way they live. Bruno Mars has been dating Jessica since 2011 and they have stayed together in Bruno Mars’ apartment since 2012. Up to this time, they have been living as a very nice couple. Some even say that they will be the perfect couple.
Those are some girls that come and go in the love life of famous singer, Bruno Mars. Some of you might have known all of those girls, but some others might only know that Bruno Mars is having the relationship with Jessica Caban. Hope that all of the information above will give you more details about Bruno Mars girlfriend that even comes into his life.